Work with Me

in-depth SESSIONS
Regular check-ins

decades of EXPERIENCE

Typical Timeline for complex/layered health issues:

  • Initial Comprehensive visit: prior to this visit, you will send any labs, imaging, or notes that you’ve had done related to the health concerns you want to review.

  • I review your aforementioned info before you even get to the first appointment so we can hone in on what is most important, what may have been missed, and what diagnostics you might consider to know which steps to take next.

  • Your first appointment is 2 hours (it goes by fast, but bring snacks if you want!)

  • You will leave with a comprehensive plan covering:

    • exercise/movement

    • nutrition/fueling

    • stress relief/release

    • supplements (on an as-needed basis only)

    • sleep support

    • digestive support

    • next steps with your GP

    • next steps for functional labs (on an as-needed basis only)

  • Your next appointment (Extended follow up) occurs within 3-4 weeks of the initial appointment. This appointment is to discuss any new lab results that have come in, and to assess the efficacy of the recommended plan.

  • For best progress, we work together for at least 6 months on a monthly basis in the follow up appointment format. A general rule of thumb for healing, once you find the right combo of positive influences, it takes about one month for every year you’ve experienced your symptoms for your body to heal. Our bodies do know the way, but we have to be patient and continue to give support during the process.

Do you have a more recent health concern?

If you have a recent and fairly uncomplicated health concern (such as trying to figure out if you are in perimenopause, or you maybe you’ve just started getting a rash), you might qualify for the Initial Limited Consult, which has a briefer timeline.

Get in touch via email, or simply schedule a free 15-min consult to see if this might be a better fit.

Are you wondering about bringing your children in?

By all means, bring them with you! Our clinic is a safe, happy, welcoming environment that feels like home.

I also have decades of experience working with the paediatric population, and love providing care for the whole family. Your kids are always welcome here.

If you’d like to schedule a visit for your little (or big!) one, just pick the Children’s Initial Consult option. It’s a bit shorter because 1-2hrs is usually too long for people who are on the move!

Functional Labs

  • Hormones

    I have used the DUTCH test by Precision Analytics for years. We can check Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone (sex hormones), plus Cortisol and DHEA (stress hormones)

    I also use a combination hormone and neurotransmitter panel by Doctor’s Data when we need more info about how the neurotransmitters may be contributing to your overall health.

  • Gut Health

    More than just a test to see if you’ve got Giardia (it checks for that too), the GI Health panel looks at your levels of beneficial vs pathogenic bacteria, plus important markers for gut function. It such a helpful test to pinpoint which part of the digestive tract is most affected and can give really clear answers about what to do next.

  • Food Allergy Intolerance/Sensitivity

    You may have tried cutting different foods out, but you still suffer from the same symptoms. Or maybe your child has rashes and GI issues that just wont’ budge. Might be time to check out how the body responds to different foods. We have several different testing facilities and a great side-by-side comparison of the different tests to help determine which on his the right one for you, without testing for a whole bunch of things you don’t need to check.

  • Metabolic Function

    You’re doing all the right things and still not getting better. It’s a good time to have a look at your body on the smallest molecular level and see what might be holding things up. OAT test (organic acid testing) gives us insight into the inner workings of you. We’re talking vitamins, minerals, enzyme levels, co-factors, neurotransmitters, yeast, bacteria, byproducts. We get tons of into about how well things are working on a cellular level for you, and what to do about clearing up any functions that aren’t running at 100%.

How you Work

Do you like a detailed plan so you can jump right in?

Or, do you like to take your time with smaller steps?

You’re the driver, and I’m the skilled navigator.

We share the responsibility of getting to the destination.